

You might be a certain age if you remember the Iron Butterfly. I think In-A-Gadda was their only hit, but had that familiar drug induced sound like The Doors.

This was tucked in with some other vintage stuff from an estate sale, still hooped with the thread and about 90% finished. If I had started it myself I probably would have used variegated thread and still might in those blank spots. I'm thinkin' coral.

My first embroidery piece at age 13 was a peasant top. Of course, I still have those transfers!

Little blackie here was made from a foam stamp dipped in a bleach solution and applied to black fabric.

For now, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them but I like having elements as a jumping off point for new quilts or wearables. I usually start with a title and make up the rest as I go along.

1 comment:

glennis said...

i've always liked that style of embroidery-50's nostalgia-things i remember seeing at my grandmother's house. i also still have that album....